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Nextqore Technology

Nextqore builds products and services to enable the Industry movement to Digital Transformation. It collects data from various equipment and environment. Nextqore Technology simplifies the implementation using a Comprehensive and Contextual Data set to generate Insights and Actionable Events for Operations effectiveness.

Nextqore Technology integrates data from Digital Twins, IoT sensors and Enterprise APIs to produce deep insights enabling successful Digital Transformation.

Nextqore Technology

Nextqore builds a Real Time Data Science SaaS platform that integrates machine data in real time to provide Reports and Actionables for Operations improvement. The Technology integrates data from Digital Twins, IoT sensors and Enterprise APIs to produce deep insights that Digitizes Operations.


1. Performance Insights

Nextqore’s Performance Insight Solution leads the Digitization wave, merging Data Engineering and AI into daily business operations. It efficiently compiles and analyzes data from diverse sources, employing advanced AI algorithms to yield Actionable Intelligence.

This transformative process is a catalyst for Improved Operational Efficiency, especially for real-time decision-making. Performance Insight further facilitates the development and deployment of Machine Learning models for customized AI empowerment, driving progress in areas like Product Management, Customer Lifecycle, and Infrastructure Quality.

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Unlocking Industry 4.0 Potential: Performance Insight by Nextqore seamlessly integrates data engineering and AI for actionable insights, driving efficiency in modern business operations.
Track & Improve Asset efficiency with Predictive & Preventive Maintenance using Nextqore's AssetTrac.

2. AssetTrac

Digitize Critical Customer Processes using Data Driven Operational Insights. Monitor Asset health in Real time & Predict Maintenance cycles using AI / ML tools.

Customized Real time Alarms & Alerts are extended through Nextqore Mobile app for Field Operations Integration.

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3. VehicleTrac

Vehicle tracking is used to determine the location of the vehicle and integrate the purpose of the vehicle movement in various Operational processes in the service industry.

Nextqore integrates with asset tracking sensors to Digitize fleet operations to improve efficiency and reduce cost. From Vehicle Health to Geo fencing, get Real Time alerts that empower organizations to make smarter decisions.

Non designated stoppages or deviation from planned route get highlighted, with the exact place & time of occurrence.

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GeoFencing & Green Driving features enable the customer to get Real Time, Customizable Alarms & Alerts about their vehicles
Real Time Fuel Analytics to help save on Fuel Costs, Identify & Alert for Pilferage, all in Nextqore's FuelTrac solution.

4. FuelTrac

Monitor and optimise fuel to increase efficiency of a static or moving equipment. Complete transparency into fuel levels and consumption. Reduce Fuel theft, under re-fuelling and fuel frauds.

Nextqore integrates with Fuel level sensors to Monitor and optimise fuel, to increase efficiency of the energy equipment.

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5. Digital Tower

Nextqore’s Digital Tower Solutions helps Tower Operators Digitize their operations using Digital Twins generated out of the Physical Assets. The solution helps Tower companies to Digitize operations across various work groups and increase performance using Digital Assets.

Easily sort from an array of information compiled by user functions, to get the best out of the Tower Operators assets.

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Login to Nextqore platform for your organisations Tower Portfolio, Selected Tower’s Digital Twin & Key tower attributes.

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Digitization solution for companies across different sectors




Data Centres


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